Sofia Tavares, docente do Departamento de Psicologia, publica na revista Culture & Psychology

Rosa, C. & Tavares, S. (2013). Grasping the dialogical nature of acculturation. Culture & Psychology, 19, 273-288.


In this interesting article, Andreouli (2013). Identity and acculturation: The case of naturalised citizens in Britain. Culture & Psychology, 19, 1–47) presents a dialogical perspective on acculturation. To support this perspective, the author integrates the Dialogical Self Theory and the Social Representations Theory. Drawing on her theoretical explanation, we develop a conceptual review focused on two pairs of constructs – social representations/I-positions and polyphasia/polyphonia. Andreouli’s empirical study allowed her to operationalize some critiques about the two-dimensional perspective and its strategies on acculturation. Nevertheless, it seems that the author ends up replicating a more conventional and dual way of thinking. Their results give us privileged access to the negotiation of meanings and activation of promoter signs or, in other words, to the dialogical dynamics between I-positions. In this respect, we suggest that the assumption of a more dialogic and semiotic lens could be an interesting further development to this study.

Publicado em 26.09.2013